Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Ok, I am trying to get my groove back. I have picked up the pace on schedule to run 14 miles this week. My goal is to get up to 22 miles per week before the marathon TRAINING begins. I am using a slightly modified mileage buildup schedule from This is a 19 week schedule but I'll probably make it to week 9. This week: Mon-3miles, Tues-Rest, Wed-4 miles, Thur-Rest, Fri-3 miles, Sat (LONG RUN)-4 miles, Sun-Rest. I am going to do my best to cross train twice at least week.

As far as my diet is concerned, I have cut back significantly on red meat, chicken, turkey and pork. Actually for the past 2.5 weeks I have almost gone vegetarian. I know I need to increase my carbs and protein because my energy level is low. My desire is to get my weight down to 190-195 before the training begins. Since memorial day I went fro 215 to 205.

Stay tuned for the marathon training details.

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