Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 1: Official Training Begins

This is what I call a "taking it to the next level" week. I have already logged 20 miles out of a 24 mile week. Whoa! I am noticeably drained and tired, mainly do to my diet and not getting enough water. Preparation is no joke!

See you on Saturday. Same place..same time!

Running Mistake: Drinking 32 oz of Water...

...before running 5 miles. I was so focused on trying to get in 120 oz of water, I did not think about how it may impact my run uptown yesterday. I did finish but I was running extremely slow. Anyway, lesson learned.

I bought a new pair of running shoes, Brooks Adrenaline GTS9, on Sunday after my right foot began to feel quirky. I think my Asics are shot, even though I did not log my shoe miles. This is my first pair of Brooks and I noticed a big difference. They seem to offer more stability but are not that comfortable around my ankle. Maybe I need to break them in some more.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dowd Y Run Team Training

Half-Marathon Training Program begins August 18 With weekly presentations, this program will focus on speed, form and strength - key elements to prepare you for the Dowd Y run on November 7.
Training days: Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM, August 18 - November 3 Kick-off Meeting: August 13 @ 6:30 PM, Dowd YMCA 7th Floor Conference Room 2 Pre-registration is required. Register between July 27 - August 28.Program cost: YMCA Members: $80 / YMCA Program Members: $100
For more information, contact Janis Smith at (704) 716-6134 or

Reminder: Even though this program is for the Dowd Y run on Nov. 7th, I am using it to prepare for the Dec. Thunderroad marathon. The 1/2 marathon training can be modifyed but you need to be able to run 7 0r 8 miles on your long runs by August 18th.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Taking It Up A Notch...7 Miles This Saturday

This is week 8 for me and it is a rest week. Only 13 miles. I am resting for a big run on Saturday at our favorite location. My legs feel great and I've increased my pace and the intensity of my runs. Lifting weights has been my priority. It helps me pyschologically because it gets my mind off running and I don't put as much pressure on myself to achieve my running goals. I am down to 200 lbs; 10 pounds shy of my weight goal.

The Training Game Plan Has Changed

I just received a marathon traning cancellation e-mail from Janis, our marathon trainer, due to a lack of response. I strongly believe that preparation for a marathon is a lot harder than running one. This is a commitment and I pray nothing pops up that will prohibit me. Janis, however, is training individuals to run a half marathon for the Thunderroad. She also said that she can modify the training for individuals who want to run a full marathon.

The kick-off meeting is August 18th and registration begins on Monday, July 27th. You have to register at the membership desk at the Dowd Y. Once you are registered they will forward your info to Janis and she will send you the details. The cost is $75.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Not Mentally Prepared Today

I don't know why but I always seem to forget that running 3 miles on an indoor treadmill is not the same as running 3 miles uptown in 85 degree weather. Not was I not mentally prepared to run, I made the mistake of not pacing my self going down hill of the first half mile. Although I was a little upset and exhausted, I did finish.

Tomorrow I have a little respite...only 3 miles to run. Same time same place!

Monday, July 13, 2009


I am excited to announce that I will be running the Thunderoad marathon in December, to raise money for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) via the Crescent Health Institute (CHI). Folks, sickle cell disease is alive and well! In my opinion, it does not get the press as diabetes, leukemia or cancer does. One out of every ten African Americans has the trait. Attached is more info on SCD and the medical problems that can occur. CHI is a local agency and is leading the charge to service individuals with the disease and promote sickle cell testing for couples, prior to having a baby.

Not only have I formed a team of runners, I have solicited the help of some of your favorite event promoter to form teams as well. I've been advised that I will turn a lot of people off, if I ask them to run a marathon for this cause. So, we have included a 5k and a 1/2 marathon into the mix. Hopefully, there will be hundreds more individuals who will sign up to run.

Details are forthcoming but please let me know if you are interested in running. If not for your personal health then maybe for someone else’s!

Exhilarated to Exhausted In Less Than 1 Mile

I am pleased to have a new runner to join the team. Not only was she a cross country runner in high school she continues to run 6 miles a day. So this past Saturday she wasted no time hitting her 9 minute mile stride. I felt like I was standing still watching an airplane take off from a runway. Why did I try to catch up with her?! About a mile into a six mile run, reality quickly set in and I lowered my pace so I could stop hyperventilating. Although I exerted way too much energy in the beginning, I did finish without stopping and maintained a decent pace.

We ran at 8am. I worked out prior to running (free weights: shoulders/traps). I felt much better than I did after running 6 miles last Saturday. This week is a semi-rest week My schedule is Sun-rest, Mon, Tues, Friday & Saturday-3 miles; Wed-4 miles; Thu-Rest. Speed and time will be my focus along with lifting weights (quads, hams).

Diet details forthcoming.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Official Thunderoad Marathon Training MEETING-July 25th @ 11AM

The Thunderoad marathon training program will begin July 29 through Dec 2. The training days will be Wed./Fri. or Tues./Thurs. We will see what days work for everyone. Long runs on Saturdays or Sundays. Some long runs will be done on your own. Group runs will be done on Wed/Fri. or Tues/Thurs., 5:45am to 7am.

First meeting will be at First Ward recreation center on July 25th @11am. The training program will be 50.00 per person. This is a 18 week program to include presentations. Maps/routes will be emailed prior to group runs. . This fee does not include the race registration fee All training runs will be designated around the race route. All logistics of the training program will be discussed at the meeting on July 25th.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Whew...6 Down, 20.2 To Go

Today is day 1 of week six of my pre-marathon self training. After running 6 miles (long run) on Saturday, I cautiously completed a half mile of walking, 3 miles of running, and ended with half mile of walking on an incline this morning. I thought I would be too sore to finish but surprisingly I felt really good. I really do believe taking glucosomine and increasing my protein helps with muscle recovery. When I self-trained in 2003, I remember constantly being sore and resting more. Also, I definitely did not take the time to warm up as much as I am doing now.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I actually ran 6 miles and walked 2.5. That's because I lost office key & car remote. I gave up, after scouring the trail for 2.5 miles, only to find that a good samaritan had left them in my car door. It was one of those moments where I felt like hugging and punching him at the same time. :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Affliction Free...Almost

I think I have successfully fought through a very minor knee injury. I wouldn't even calling an injury. Perhaps it was a slight afflication. Anyway, thank you knee wrap! Thank you glucosomine! Thank you h20 and 175 gams of daily protein!

This week I ran 16.5 miles. Today I ran 3 miles and lifted free weights (shoulders & traps). Now, I make sure I warm up every time before I run. I'll walk for 5 minutes and jog at least a 1/2 mile before I actually start. I am not worried about time or pace. I am focused on my posture, stride, and breathing. On the treadmill I'll start at 4.5 and end up a 6 on my last mile.

Also, I am closely watching my calories and monitoring my weight loss. I just read an article that says that for every pound of fat you store, you need to burn or omit 3,500 calories per week. My daily caloric intake is 2,900. If I reduce my intake to 2,000 and burn 2,500 calories per week through exercising, I should be able to lose 2.8 punds per week until I reach my ideal weight of 190.

Tomorrow, I am scheduled to run 6 miles. Oh boy!