Monday, July 6, 2009

Whew...6 Down, 20.2 To Go

Today is day 1 of week six of my pre-marathon self training. After running 6 miles (long run) on Saturday, I cautiously completed a half mile of walking, 3 miles of running, and ended with half mile of walking on an incline this morning. I thought I would be too sore to finish but surprisingly I felt really good. I really do believe taking glucosomine and increasing my protein helps with muscle recovery. When I self-trained in 2003, I remember constantly being sore and resting more. Also, I definitely did not take the time to warm up as much as I am doing now.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I actually ran 6 miles and walked 2.5. That's because I lost office key & car remote. I gave up, after scouring the trail for 2.5 miles, only to find that a good samaritan had left them in my car door. It was one of those moments where I felt like hugging and punching him at the same time. :)

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