Friday, July 3, 2009

Affliction Free...Almost

I think I have successfully fought through a very minor knee injury. I wouldn't even calling an injury. Perhaps it was a slight afflication. Anyway, thank you knee wrap! Thank you glucosomine! Thank you h20 and 175 gams of daily protein!

This week I ran 16.5 miles. Today I ran 3 miles and lifted free weights (shoulders & traps). Now, I make sure I warm up every time before I run. I'll walk for 5 minutes and jog at least a 1/2 mile before I actually start. I am not worried about time or pace. I am focused on my posture, stride, and breathing. On the treadmill I'll start at 4.5 and end up a 6 on my last mile.

Also, I am closely watching my calories and monitoring my weight loss. I just read an article that says that for every pound of fat you store, you need to burn or omit 3,500 calories per week. My daily caloric intake is 2,900. If I reduce my intake to 2,000 and burn 2,500 calories per week through exercising, I should be able to lose 2.8 punds per week until I reach my ideal weight of 190.

Tomorrow, I am scheduled to run 6 miles. Oh boy!

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